Friday, April 2, 2010

Where in the World is Rat City?

Hello readers, Princess Pine (Box) here for another dose of Bunny Boilin' craziness.

So today I was checking out the Two Evils site looking up some of the names of our fellow derby sisters and let me tell you, a girl could spend all day on that page it really is.......dense.  All those small lines-I was starting to go cross eyed.

We at the Bunny Boilers HQ are still waiting to get approval on our monikers from the big shiny quad sk8 in the sky,  and so I thought I'd check out the competition.   I gotta say there is some real inventiveness on the part of the derby gals and their derby personas (there are rules you know, about girls having similar names). Anyway, I was inspired to present you with a list of my favourite derby names.

Rude an' crude.......
  • Pink Taco,  Lilac City Rollergirls
  • Angry Camel Toe (ouch!),  Houston Roller Derby
  • Hardin Thicke (just the way we like it),  South Texas Rolleristas
  • Vagatarian,  Phoenix Rattlesnakes/Dry Heat Rattlesnakes
  • Vulvarine,    LA Derby Dolls
  • Vulva display of Power,  Lowcountry High Rollers
  • Fisted Cysta  (yikes!),  Paper Valley Roller Girls
  • Forniskate,  Atlanta Rollergirls
  • Hard Licker (a friend of Hardin Thicke's?),   Penn Jersey She Devils Roller Derby
  • Pig Benis,  Mobile City Rollerderby
  • Beaver Fever,  Detroit Derby Dolls
  • B' Dunkadunk,   Mad Rollin' Dolls
  • Anita Hardone (don't we all?), Jacksonville Rollerderby
  • Powersnatch (what the?), Big Easy Rollergirls
Just plain wrong......
  • Cunty Mc TaintStain (ewwwwwww),  Independent.
  • Davey Crotch Rocket,  Sintral Florida Demons
  • Tora Hymenov (don't we all want rid of that anyway?)  Perth Roller Derby
Famous names you may recognise......
  • Ziggy Skullbust, NOtown Roller Derby
  • Wounder Woman, Grand Raggidy Rollergirls
  • Al Punchino, Albany All Star Rollerderby
  • Simon Le Bondage, Black n' Bluegrass Rollergirls
  • Queen Kamayhemayhem, Boston Derby Dames
Just because......
  • Evil Luna, Emerald City Rollergirls  (Eva Luna is the title of one of PPB's fave books).
  • Scalp 'em Squaw, Chattanooga RollerGirls (just because I like saying Chattanooga!)
Australian Gals.......
  • Pj Carvey, Perth Roller Derby
  • Rebelicious!, Adelaide Roller Derby
  • Riff Raff Saff, Geelong Roller Derby League
  • Saddam Insane Ref, Gold Coast Rollerderby
  • Punani Tsunami, Victorian Roller Derby
From where you'd rather be ......
  • Sasha Cheeky Bastard, Honolulu Derby Girls.  yep they have derby in Hawaii- I'm going!!!
And just wondering......
  • who would win a bout between Angel City and the Derby Rotten Scoundrels?
  • Do the Pittsburgh Panty Raid-ers play commando?
  • Are the Undead Bettys vamps or zombies?
  • Just how seriously do the Skate Free or Die Rollergirls take their games?
  • Do the girls from Assualt City play dirty?
  • Where in the hell is Rat City?
Have I missed any?  Feel free to drop me a line, and tell me some of your faves....

In other news.......

Machine-gun Annie, Scarlet Gash, Edward Slaughter Hands and Miss D. Wreckted.

  • Being from Queensland I always thought the quintessential media tart was Pete Beattie, however it looks like the crown has been passed to our boss, the lovely Scarlet Gash.  Not only did we appear in the West Australian (see above) but, we got our 15 minutes of fame on the idiot box!   All this in the space of about a week - beat that.

  • Speaking of The Boss, many of our team are sporting brand new tough stickers, courtesy of her Artful, Ink-y fingers.  Let me tell you, they don't call em tough stickers for nothin' It seems all of my tatts hurt these days......must be gettin old; don't remember some of my earlier ones hurting that much.

  • Three cheers for monetary gain!  Miss D. Wreckted sold the mixed media painting she was exhibiting in The Survey! 

  • Easter weekend is shaping up to be a biggie for the Bunny Boilers, tonight we are having a 'get together' at Machine Gun's place- we even invited our menfolk!  Think hot gals and fishnets draped over a Hot Rod-nice.  Our spunky team photographer will be there too, so watch this space for photos.

  • Tommorrow night sees us venture down to Margaret River for a very adult evening of art, culture and music (booze, bands and tattoo art). Have you ever had a drink on wheels?  Mr Sum-assault will be there to photograph the event for posterity, and one very spesh journo is going to record the whole thang (that man is going to have RSI in his camera finger after this weekend).

  • We have our very own website.  Yep, courtesy of Miss D. Wreckted you can now spend hours and hours social networking, and surfing net pages on the Bunny Boilers (we are soooooooo 21st century).

  • Motley Crue in the morning- last sunday the gals tried out for their White Stars, some clever bunnies even got their Yellow Stars.  Yay us! and Yay for Smeg.

  • AND perhaps the best news for last; the gals from Cowtown have been inspired to play Roller Derby!  Welcome ladeez
love always Princess Pine (Box), 

Yep, a true professional.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This weekend, the Bunbury Gals took to the streets, in order to raise money for and awareness of the arrival of Roller Derby in Bunbury.  Anyone who says it was really an excuse to go boozin is misinformed.
As luck would have it the opening night of one of Bunbury's biggest art shows, "The Survey" was on the very same night as our pub crawl, err Fresh Meat Round Up.  The significance being that our very own Prez and Vice Prez, Scarlet Gash and Miss D. Wreckted had pieces in the show.
 'Wow amazing skaters and talented artists'?     
yep that's right we, at Bunbury Roller Derby are soooooooooo very clever.

OH-KAY, so after supporting our very spesh Gash and D.Wreckted at the gallery (in costume i might add-  boy that got their attention) we sauntered over to our first venue of the evening, 'The Prince'. And so began the festivities.  By which i mean, the systematic terrorisation of Bunbury. 
No one was safe, except maybe the two guys holdin up one end of the bar. When you can't focus on the tin  being waved in your face, your money is better spent on a taxi ride home.  We'll forgive you guys.  It's ok, because, even without your help we did manage to raise

Yay Team!!!!!
Of course we didn't achieve this all by ourselves.  Many thanks must go to the city of Bunvegas, the unsuspecting, happy revellers, American tourists, cool barmaids (missed you on Sunday night Sarah), cool dad who gave us money 'cos his daughter plays derby in Smelbourne, and the guys that tagged along with us because 'they dig derby chicks'.  And to the bitch face, cranky ass barmaid, working at a bar that shall remain nameless;

 $850- suck on that.
and get a life.

Special, Special mention to our spunky official team photographer, Mr Sum Assault.  You know who you are, thanks for making us look good.  What a talent!!!!

We did all this without loosing the tins, or getting smacked in the face for our obnoxious efforts.
Hooray for Bunno, and we're sorry about the hundreds of flyers scattered all over the metropolis.  Really.

Clock Lobster, Rock Cobster, Bob Rockstar?

And in other news.......
The Bunbury gals have been spreadin the love, finding fans in the Chiko Rollers, their derby sisters all the way over there in Bendigo.  One very lucky gal with good taste is now the proud owner of a BRD singlet (yes the ones that make you look hot).  Guess she won't hafta worry about running into someone wearing the same shirt - phew!  We all know how embarrassing that can be.

We are organising another training session with the famous Hot Wheels.  This time it'll be a marathon, 5 hour event.  Holy Shit!

Our appearances in the paper are becoming more and more frequent.  Hooray for the media!

Look out for our appearance at the ECU orientation day at the Bunbury Campus, Wednesday 17th Feb.

All registration forms for WARD, Skate Australia and The Rink need to be in asap.  Like yesterday.

We probably won't spend all that lovely money on beer and porn.  We will put some toward serious, important stuff too.  Promise.

Yay Roller Derby!

love always Princess Pine (Box)

Friday, January 22, 2010

'Gimme an R, gimme an O......'

R  roller skates.  These will soon be your most prized possession.
O  obsessed.  As in you will be.
ladies only, sorry fellas.
L  lovely, lacy, racy lady knickers to wear under your skirt.
E  eight wheels Dollface.  Quad skates only thanks.
R  resurgence in popularity that roller derby is currently enjoying.  So come on, climb onto that  bandwagon!

death defying tricks on wheels that you will be outdoing your mates with.
everyone's doing it, so why don't you?
R  rules, learn the rules.
B  bruises, blood and banged knees.
Y yeah!   Its hella fun!

And in other news,
The Bunbury gals have their own shirts!  Thanks to the amazing efforts of our very own Miss D. Wrecked we have BRD singlets out and available for purchase, reasonably priced and you get that warm fuzzy feeling of knowing the money is going to a good cause-  Us. 

So much more appeal than your usual, "My friend went to Bunbury and all i got was something something"    t-shirt , no?  (yes it's true, everyone looks this good in our shirts)

The ladies from Funbury took another roadtrip to Freo and enjoyed a challenging session with Hot Wheels.  Our gals were very impressed, and felt they learnt a lot from the night.  Three Cheers for Hot Wheels!!!

We have also been gettin' serious and holding meetings.  Now we even have a committee!  

Open training sessions are still Sunday nights at The Rink in Halifax, 6.30pm, and we are still searching for refs- so pull your finger out....

love always, Princess Pine (Box).

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Again with the Roller Derby.....

Ten reasons why you should play Roller Derby...
10.It's the New Year, so try something new.....
 Do you really want to do the same stuff, every year?  Try something new and exciting.  In the unlikely event that you don't have fun it'll  justify your boring life, dull as it must be.

9. Because it isn't Netball.
Quite self-explanatory really.  It's not Netball.

8. Because of the accessories.
Girls love to accessorise, and Roller Derby is no exception.  Girls like to talk about accessories, and girls like to talk with other girls about going shopping to get accessories, they also like talking about the accessories once they have bought them.  You see the point I'm trying to make here?

7. To meet new people.
You never know, you might even meet some cool people living in your area.

6. It may not leave you enough time to be a Tuckshop Mum.

5. It's a good way to get fit.
The media is hassling everyone about being fit these days, so why not try and have some fun while your'e doing it?

4. Travel.
Yeah sure!  Extensive travelling around the country side.

3. Its good for your butt. Really.
Derr, skating is good for legs, and whats good for your legs is good for your butt.  Which brings me to number two.......

2. An excuse to wear short skirts.
We just established that your legs will be lookin' hot!  But hey, like we need excuses anyway!

1. Because its FUN!
Roller Derby is like nothing else you've done.  You'll quickly find yourself addicted to it, and wonder what it was that you used to do all the time before you started doing Roller Derby.
So get out there and go play Roller Derby!!!

And in other news.

The Funbury ladies were invited by the Fremantle Derby Dames to practise with them just after Christmas.  So we had ourselves a bit of a road trip!  Of course, we discussed all the important stuff (boys, food, kids) and we managed to fit in some serious team business.  Fast food, solicited groping and lollies from the servo, and we still got there early!  (must be keen hey?).

Unlike us, the Freo gals practise for a long time, like  two and half hours!  So our trip was certainly worth the effort because that's longer than it took us to get there!
In all seriousness though, the training session was fantastic, and we all went home agreeing how much we had learnt in one night. So a big "thank you" to the city mice!  We should definitely do that again!
All the gals were pretty worn out after such a big night and the drive home was certainly quieter, but thats ok because Bobby Darin and King Hokum aurally soothed our tired bodies and happy hearts all the way home to Funbury.
Big sloppy wet kisses to our driver!

Finally,  we resume training sessions this sunday at 6.30pm!  Special mention should go to all the the guys out there, we need refs so come on down and volunteer your
And don't forget the Bunbury Roller Derby singlets are ready, and makin the rounds!

Yay Roller Derby!!!!!

Princess Pine Box