Monday, December 21, 2009

Fresh Meat for the Roller Derby Machine

Helloooooo !
Welcome to the blog page for the Bunbury Roller Derby Club. This page will be the place to come to for all your Bunbury Roller Derby news. As a group we are new to this fantastic gals-only sport, and we decided that a blog would be a great way to chart our successes (and otherwise) as a group.  Because there are so many RD wannabes in our humble town, we are hoping to have the numbers for not one, but two teams!   "Bunbury Bunny Boilers" and "The Bunbury Babushka Dolls". Just like a team, the gals are all helping out where they can, the artists are drawing, printers are printing, writers are writing and, including one particular ladee who has a fetish for posting roller derby links on our facebook page! Everyone is helping out with name and uniform ideas and our illustrious leader is working on logos as we speak!  Ahhhh the sisterhood!

Not actually having joined the league as yet, we are at still at the training phase, learning about the rules and procedures we need to follow in order to become bona fide derby gals. We have a long way to go but surely, we would score ten outta ten for enthusiasm and excitement!
Here's a bit of a run down on our activities so far.....

29 November 2009
 'have a go' session
Our very own kitty Kat, (Scarlet Gash) conceives of the idea for a club and enlists Miss D Fied and Denise to help, resulting in a 'have a go' session at the Bunbury Rink.  Numbers are encouraging.

3 December 2009
Bunbury Roller Derby makes the front page of the local rag... Scarlet Gash and Miss D Fied making derby look hot.

6 and 10 December 2009
More 'have a go' sessions, more gals for the game.......

12 December Mash n Mingle
You can't have team bonding without team boozing right ?  A fantastic night at the Burly playing pool and learning about derby and derby gear thanks to Dayzee and Token (hope we play derby better than we play pool).

20 December 2009
One last training session before we break up for Christmas.  Three whole weeks without derby- I don't think we'll last!

In the new year things will be a bit more serious, as we hand in our forms for joining the league and registering our bout names; fingers crossed they get accepted  'cos anyone who's tried, knows just how hard it can be to come up with a good one!
Anyone who hasn't come along to a training session had better get their skates on (hahaha) because shortly after our return in 2010 the sessions will be closed, and newbies will need to try out for the team.  Don't say we didn't warn ya!

The Rink, Gibbons Rd, Davenport (Halifax LIA), Bunbury. 
6.30pm sunday 10 January 2010

For those that don't join the team, don't forget we will need a cheer squad to holler motivational phrases at us during our bouts.  And for the fellas? Sorry you  can't play but, you can be referees!

til next time..... Merry Nistmas and a Happy Crew Year!

Princess Pine (Box).