Thursday, January 7, 2010

Again with the Roller Derby.....

Ten reasons why you should play Roller Derby...
10.It's the New Year, so try something new.....
 Do you really want to do the same stuff, every year?  Try something new and exciting.  In the unlikely event that you don't have fun it'll  justify your boring life, dull as it must be.

9. Because it isn't Netball.
Quite self-explanatory really.  It's not Netball.

8. Because of the accessories.
Girls love to accessorise, and Roller Derby is no exception.  Girls like to talk about accessories, and girls like to talk with other girls about going shopping to get accessories, they also like talking about the accessories once they have bought them.  You see the point I'm trying to make here?

7. To meet new people.
You never know, you might even meet some cool people living in your area.

6. It may not leave you enough time to be a Tuckshop Mum.

5. It's a good way to get fit.
The media is hassling everyone about being fit these days, so why not try and have some fun while your'e doing it?

4. Travel.
Yeah sure!  Extensive travelling around the country side.

3. Its good for your butt. Really.
Derr, skating is good for legs, and whats good for your legs is good for your butt.  Which brings me to number two.......

2. An excuse to wear short skirts.
We just established that your legs will be lookin' hot!  But hey, like we need excuses anyway!

1. Because its FUN!
Roller Derby is like nothing else you've done.  You'll quickly find yourself addicted to it, and wonder what it was that you used to do all the time before you started doing Roller Derby.
So get out there and go play Roller Derby!!!

And in other news.

The Funbury ladies were invited by the Fremantle Derby Dames to practise with them just after Christmas.  So we had ourselves a bit of a road trip!  Of course, we discussed all the important stuff (boys, food, kids) and we managed to fit in some serious team business.  Fast food, solicited groping and lollies from the servo, and we still got there early!  (must be keen hey?).

Unlike us, the Freo gals practise for a long time, like  two and half hours!  So our trip was certainly worth the effort because that's longer than it took us to get there!
In all seriousness though, the training session was fantastic, and we all went home agreeing how much we had learnt in one night. So a big "thank you" to the city mice!  We should definitely do that again!
All the gals were pretty worn out after such a big night and the drive home was certainly quieter, but thats ok because Bobby Darin and King Hokum aurally soothed our tired bodies and happy hearts all the way home to Funbury.
Big sloppy wet kisses to our driver!

Finally,  we resume training sessions this sunday at 6.30pm!  Special mention should go to all the the guys out there, we need refs so come on down and volunteer your
And don't forget the Bunbury Roller Derby singlets are ready, and makin the rounds!

Yay Roller Derby!!!!!

Princess Pine Box

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention the beautiful vocal talents of Deelicious distruction and Scarlet Gash!
    And we are all obsessed but it's in a good way, a healthy way and not at all in a weird, single minded, stalker kinda way...
    Keep up the good work Princess!
